Next year in Jerusalem

– holds the Passover saying. But from the images of Jerusalem we can have a foretasting already at this Easter, thanks to one-way who published a selection from E. Schiller’s The First Photographs of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

The Via Dolorosa

The book was published several decades ago, and by now it has become a much sought-after rarity for collectors. Nevertheless, we hope to lay hands soon on the other album by Schiller, the two-volume The first photographs of Jerusalem, which contains a much more abundant early visual material on the city. We will give an ample selection of it in our series “Images of the East”.

Yemenite Jews in Jerusalem

The Wailing Wall

Pilgrims on the Via Dolorosa

The “Holy Fire” ceremony in front of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Russian pilgrims at the Calvary

Russian pilgrims at meal time in the Russian compound

Kindergarten in Jerusalem, 1907

Kindergarten in Nahlat-Shiva, Jerusalem

Old Jewish women in Jerusalem

View from Jaffa Gate to the city

Jaffa Gate from inside

At the well

Mary’s well in Nazareth

Street scene in Nazareth

Letter writer

Group of native women, Jerusalem

Natives of Jericho

Jericho, ruins of a Crusader tower known as the “House of Zaccheus”

The Dead Sea

Jew of Jerusalem

Maria Magdalene church and Jerusalem in the background

Coptic monks in Jerusalem

Ethiopian patriarch in Jerusalem

Armenian monks

Franciscan monks in Jerusalem

Russian pilgrim in Jerusalem

Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives

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