Satisfacción plena

La vida sonreía de oreja a oreja al autor de este dístico que se encuentra en la última página del ejemplar del Fasciculus temporum (1495) de la Biblioteca del Monasterio de la Real.

En unas pocas semanas entregaremos el catálogo de los incunables de esa biblioteca, que hemos realizado junto con las imágenes digitalizadas de los libros.
Life was smiling from ear to ear on the author of this couplet that can be read on the last page of the Fasciculus temporum (1495) preserved in the Biblioteca del Monasterio de la Real.

We will also feel like this within a few weeks, when we will deliver the digital catalog of the incunabula of the library, including the complete digitized images of the books.

A handwritten distichon in the codex Fasciculus temporum (1495) of the Biblioteca del Monasterio de la Real of Mallorca
Si la fortuna más tuviera: más me diera
Si más recibir pudiera: la fortuna más me diera

If Fortune had more, she would have given me more
If more I could receive, more would have Fortune given

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Studiolum dijo...

This image with the epigram has been quoted in t. van gieson’s photostream on Flickr. True, without reference to his source – that is, to this post –, nevertheless it has contributed to a wider knowledge of this virtually unknown manuscript. Thank you!