The first caravanserais built in Anatolia by the Seljuk Turks, who inherited the legacy of the Persian Empire, were indeed palaces, and even forts, designed to protect passengers and their precious cargo from robbers, the distance of a day’s walk between them – about 30-40 kilometers – on roads across uninhabited lands. In the cities, however, a less fortified version of them took hold, which were called han from the Persian خانه khâne, ʻhouse’. Their main purpose was not for protection against armed robbers – although their gates were closed for the night –, but rather to offer a comfortable long-term stay to merchants with their animals and servants next to the bazaar, where they could also present their goods to wholesalers. Their basic structure is demonstrated by one of the earliest and best-preserved examples,
In Constantinople, the hans became established much later than in Eastern Anatolia, only in the 16th century. The axis of the Byzantine capital was the Mese leading from the imperial palace to the forum, the scene of royal processions and rituals. When, in 1453, Mehmed II marched into the conquered city, and decided to make it his capital, he turned away from this axis, and began to lay the foundations of the sultans’ capital in the north: first his palace Aksaray (which he would change for today’s Topkapı Sarayı only in the 1460s); and then, as a center of commerce, the covered “department store” for the sale of precious textiles,
Still existing hans in Istanbul’s “historical peninsula”, traditionally known as Stamboul
The majority of the hans were built as a part of a charitable foundation, and their revenues – the room rents – covered the foundation’s charitable institutions, the free kitchens (imaret), theological schools (medrese) and hospitals (darüşşifa). The founding charts (waqfiyya) of the foundations (waqf) always indicate the beneficiary of the han’s income, naming the institution, and in this way invisible connections and interesting stories connect a han with a mosque or a mosque complex (külliye) with a renowned founder.
Nor could Ali Pasha himself have objected to it either, for he underwent the usual fate of the grand viziers. After the battle of Poltava in 1709, where Peter the Great of Russia won a decisive victory over the Swedish army of Charles XII, the Swedish king fled to the Ottoman Empire, where he sought to persuade the sultan to declare war on the Russians. Ali Pasha was reluctant to do so, and history has justified his wavering, as the Russo-Turkish wars that were about to begin, lasting for more than a century and half, ultimately leading to the collapse of the empire. However, the sultan believed Charles XII’s accusations that Ali Pasha had been paid off by the Russians, and sent him to the island of Lesbos, where he was executed.
The han has since then also undergone a change of function. With the lack of caravans, its ground-floor rooms were rented by blacksmiths and assemblers. Its current owner, Genco Erkal, a leading Turkish actor, has also been organizing here his Dostlar Tiyatrosu, the Friends’ Theater, every summer since 1969.
The map detail above shows the 1943 state of the han. Such maps have survived of almost all of Istanbul, in two series. At the turn of the century, European insurance companies began to take an interest in investing in Istanbul, and prepared a full conditions map of the city to see, which buildings were flammable, and for how much they were to be insured. The first series of maps was made by the English Charles Goad on a 1:600 scale. This covered Stamboul, the historical peninsula, Pera-Galata, the European part of the city, and Kadiköy on the other side. The second series was produced on an even more detailed scale of 1:250 by the French – or properly said, Catholic Serbian born in Constantinople – Jacques Pervititch (from 1940, Pervitiç). This included the western part of Stamboul (Fatih-Aksaray), Eminönü in northern Stamboul, the European Beyoğlu (Pera-Galata) and Ortaköy, and the Asian Kadiköy and Üsküdar. The overview maps of the two series can be seen and all their detailed maps can be downloaded here and here. Wherever it is possible – that is, where a detailed map exists, and fortunately they exist for almost all the han region –, I included the Pervititch maps to each han.
Old Istanbul was threatened by two major plagues: earthquakes and fire. Because of the first, it was safer to build of wood, at least from the first floor upwards, but this made the whole city extremely flammable. Orhan Pamuk describes in his Istambul, how great the spectacle of the burning of an old aristocratic wooden house was even in his childhood. In the early 18th century, Davut Ağa introduced the portable fire pump, which was carried to the spot of the fire by four Janissaries and then, after their dissolution, by four volunteer firefighters. Each district, mahalle, had its own volunteer fire department, but they were quite ineffective. The most beautiful thing they left to us were the firefighters’ cafés, where the four firefighters on duty would wait for a fire to flare up or the next group on duty to arrive. Today, only one of these cafés has survived in its original state,
Modern fire service was eventually introduced to Constantinople by a Hungarian specialist. Not just anyone: Ödön Széchenyi, the second son of Count István Széchenyi, a great world traveler, who became acquainted with organized firefighting at the 1862 World’s Fair in London. With the permission of the fire chief of London, he joined the local fire brigade, learned the craft and technique, and then founded the Hungarian association of fire brigades in Pozsony (then capital of Hungary, today Bratislava) and Pest. In 1870, he visited Constantinople immediately after the great fire, and offered his help to the sultan. He also staged a demonstration with the Hungarian firefighters, which convinced the sultan of their professionalism, so he then appointed Ödön Széchenyi as the city’s fire chief. He performed this task until his death in 1922.
Unfortunately, Büyük Çorapçi Han’s original form has by now been almost completely deformed. The stocking makers have long left, it is now inhabited by Chinese clothing dealers, and its original beautiful classic two-story arcade structure – which still emerges here and there – has been obscured by ad hoc additions. These, however, also include one historically interesting piece. From the second floor, an iron door opens to a superstructure which was – a synagogue. The synagogue of the Russian Jews, who began to appear in large numbers in Istanbul from the mid-19th century, and who asked for the help of the prominent Sephardic banker and philanthropist Abraham Salomon Camondo to build their own synagogue. This superstructure was probably done with his support, and probably here because many Russian Jewish merchants may have been operating in the han. The audience of the synagogue was greatly expanded by the revolution of 1917 and the subsequent civil war, after which the abundance of white Russian, Cossack, Georgian, Jewish and other refugees made Istanbul an almost Russian city. The synagogue was used until the 1970s, when Russian Jews emigrated to Israel or merged with Istanbul Jewry.
Muhafız (The Protector). Meeting the fortune-teller in Cebeci Han
Most hans have similar stories, which I have briefly summarized on the above map. Now I just want to talk in detail about the two largest ones, which open like twin hans opposite one another in Çakmakçılar, that is, Lamp Makers Street, next to the Covered Bazaar.
A special feature of this han is that the main façade facing Çakmakçılar Street is “stairstepped” so that the inhabitants of the rooms could see what was going on in the street. And that it has a characteristic “sparrow palace”, albeit largely destroyed, with the inscription ماشالله mashallah, ʻGlory to God’ and the year of construction.
Due to their position, the valides also gained considerable economic independence, unique among Muslim women, which they often used to set up some lucrative economic enterprise. An important goal of the business was to have their own income for their old age, when their sultana’s and regent’s salaries ceased. However, that goal was to be packaged in a charitable foundation. Kösem Sultan therefore dedicated most of the revenue of this han, founded in 1651, to the supply of the Çinili mosque complex built in Üsküdar.
The han has three courtyards: a triangular forecourt, from which stairs lead up to the first floor gallery, a large square middle courtyard, and
There were a total of 210 rooms in the han. Most of them were occupied by Persian merchants who set up here their Istanbul headquarters. They traded mainly in Iranian silk, whose production, weaving and export was made a national industry by Shah Abbas the Great (1571-1629), and they also controlled the monopoly on Persian rugs. In the 19th century, sixteen thousand Persians lived in Istanbul. The han therefore played an important role in the modernization of Persia. While Persian intelligentsia and aristocracy sent their children to Paris to study, the bazaar merchants took or sent their sons to Istanbul, where they, in addition to trade, became acquainted with the developments of European culture, technology and political ideology, as well as with the Ottoman tanzimat, the constitutional reforms, which they later sought to introduce at home. The first major Iranian revolution, the Constitutional Revolution of 1905, was started and fought not by the flaming intellectuals, but by the bazaar traders in Tehran, making Iran the first constitutional country in the Middle East. The Büyük Valide Han played a key role in this process. From 1876, they also published here the Persian-language newspaper Akhtar (Star), which focused on Persian political and social topics, as well as many Persian books.
The han also played an important role in the representation of Persia in Istanbul. In its midst, a small Shiʿite mosque was built – the only one in Sunni Istanbul –, and Ashura Day ceremonies commemorating the death of Imam Hussein in Kerbala and the birth of the Shiʿite denomination were held here every year in the presence of many guests:
“The Iranian ambassador as official representative of the Qajar Empire invited the members of the foreign embassies and their guests. The Valide Hanı was in those days not only decorated with religious calligraphic posters and symbols but also with the picture of the Qajar Padishah and the flags with lion and sun. A kind of box with chairs and carpets was always built in one of the corners of the court of the Valide Hanı, especially for the Iranian ambassador and his guests. In many of the accounts at the end of the XIXth century it is mentioned that the Iranian ambassador used to pardon some prisoners at the end of the flagellation-procession. But the members of the embassy were not the only hosts. The Iranian merchants invited their customers. Those who used to live in the Valide Hanı could prepare their small living-rooms or their shops on one of the galleries for their guests. All of the Persians showed hospitality. They served delicious tea and sometimes cake, cigarettes or a water-pipe.” (Erika Glassen: Muharram ceremonies in Istanbul in the late 19th century, 1993)
If you, however, are definitely curious about the panorama from the rooftop, check out the opening scene of Skyfall (2012), where Patrice, fleeing with the stolen hard drive, and James Bond, chasing him, race with motorbikes on the top of the han, before the backdrop of Istanbul’s magnificent panorama. The secret service following their route on the computer screen at the MI6 headquarter ask each other: “Where are they now?” “On the rooftop of the Grand Bazaar.” No, mister. That is Büyük Valide Han there.
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