In the back-street alleys of the old city of Palma, in the vaulted gateways and in the secret
inner courtyards, in the jeweller’s shops of the Jewish quartier and in the vapour of the Arabic baths, in the obscurity of the Ukrainian church and in the chapels of the
confraternities, in the Basque hash-houses and in the
sailor’s inns some strange, dim conspiration is weaving its strings, invisibly to the outsider, just like in
Ajvaz’s Prague. Only some casual signs here and there hint to this grandiose conspiracy whose threads, as Wang Wei has just
discovered it, run from Catalonia to Transylvania. And his discovery also interprets and reinforces the one we have recently done just some corners farther on.

You certainly
remember the
Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party. They participated in the parlamentary elections of 2006 with that simple and unbeatable program: “Eternal life. Free beer. Tax abatements.” Of course they have won the elections in the proportion of 98%, but the lobby of pathological anatomists, funeral directors, beer producers and tax consultants have canceled the results through an electorial fraud.
So sweet, he certainly will not want to steal. – Two-Tailed Dog for President!
Leaning back. Looking deep in my eyes. Voting for us.
Eternal life. Free beer. Tax abatements.
However, the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party does not give it up. They are preparing for the next elections in a wide international collaboration. It is attested by this secret sign for the initiates that we have discovered in Palma de Mallorca, while walking up on the

Carrer Pietat. It can be seen on the sign-board of the Perfil Bar which appears to be closed, but the sign itself demonstrates that appearances are deceptive: the uninhabited building is obviously the lodge of the party’s local cell.
However, the threads of the conspiracy reach far not only in space, but also in time. We do not want to give the show away prematurely, but let me just say this: when we will publish it, Dan Brown will get sick with envy.

Prague, Old Jewish cemetery. Tomb of Handel Bassevi
3 comentarios:
¡Muy bueno, H.C.!
Quedamos a la espera de más pistas y mientras tanto seguimos alertas como la liebre que duerme con los ojos abiertos ante el avance de la conspiración internacional!
La temática Dan Brown (o mejor pensemos en el Umberto Eco del Péndulo de Foucault) me hizo acordar a la indudable señal de la ocupación china en Mallorca grabada en Sineu, descubierta hace tanto tiempo en Mesa Revuelta. ¿Formarán ellos también parte de la conspiración que aquí se devela? No podría saberlo, pero sí que fue muy agradable volver leer aquellas entradas de febrero de 2006...
¡Qué importante aporte! Sí, los chinos de Zheng He en Sineu indudablemente juegan un papel crucial en la conspiración. Mas también los gatos de la Torre de las Animas que aparentemente están en tan buen entendimiento con los de Buenos Aires! ¡Ojos en el otro hemisferio!
Despreocúpense que el Sur estará cubierto conmigo!
Genial idea la de los gatos: ¿quiénes pueden ser más intrigantes que ellos?. Hemos visto al final de esta entrada que el antiguo león hebreo preside hierático a los de doble cola, quizás los perros no eran más que mensajeros segundones. Ya veremos cómo sigue esto..
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