As at the beginning of every year, the flower beds of Hortus Carmeli have been increased by one. Kata has composed her selection of her photos made in the garden during the last year. As the garden is getting more and more mature, it is increasingly difficult to decide which pictures to omit from the bouquet. Nevertheless we hope that with these eighty and something we have managed to embrace the garden in space and in time.

Öt évszak: tavaszSpring

Öt évszak: nyárSummer

Öt évszak: őszAutum

Öt évszak: télWinter

2 comentarios:

Julia dijo...

Un jardín absolutamente encantador.

Studiolum dijo...

Muchas gracias! En el blog de Kata (http://agardendiary.blogspot.com) podrás seguir su desarrollo durante todo el año!