The policemen worrying for the Muromtsev dacha and the fireguards heroically holding their ground reminded us to include here this video spreading over the Russian web. The song, definitely recalling the soundtracks by Okudzhava, was written by M. Minkov and A. Gorokhov back in 1978 for the Soviet detective TV series Следствие ведут знатоки (The examination is lead by experts) which was popular in all the Eastern block: we still remember the melody. But we are sure that the general impression will evoke various memories from the recent and far away past not only to the former viewers of the series. The world is small.
And believe me, with this clip you are much better off than with the one where the song is performed in full seriousness at the 2006 Moscow Policeman’s Day.

Служба дни и ночи Наша служба и опасна и трудна, И на первый взгляд, как будто не видна. Если кто-то кое-где у нас порой Честно жить не хочет. Значит с ними нам вести незримый бой Так назначено судьбой для нас с тобой- Служба дни и ночи. Если где-то человек попал в беду Мы поможем - мы все время на посту. Ну а если вдруг кому нибудь из нас Тоже станет туго - Чтож, друг друга выручали мы не раз, И не раз согрело нас в тяжелый час Сердце, сердце друга. Часто слышим мы упреки от родных, Что работаем почти без выходных, Что разлуки нескончаемы порой, Встречи ненадолго. Только снова поднимает нас с зарей И уводит за собой в незримый бой Наше чувство долга. Наша служба и опасна и трудна, И на первый взгляд, как будто не видна. Если кто-то кое-где у нас порой Честно жить не хочет. Значит с ними нам вести незримый бой Так назначено судьбой для нас с тобой- Служба дни и ночи. | Service day and night Our service is dangerous and hard and at first glance almost invisible If someone somewhere sometimes does not want to live honestly, we wage an invisible war with him. This is our destiny, yours and mine – Service day and night. Wherever someone gets in trouble, we can help: we’re always on duty. And if someone of us in the meantime also gets into a mess – well, we’ve rescued each other and warmed the hearts of each other more than once. Often we are accused by our families that we work almost incessantly and that we spend so much time away and so few with them. And then again wakes us at the dawn and takes us away the invisible battle and our sense of duty. Our service is dangerous and hard and at first glance almost invisible If someone somewhere sometimes does not want to live honestly, we wage an invisible war with him. This is our destiny, yours and mine – Service day and night. |
And believe me, with this clip you are much better off than with the one where the song is performed in full seriousness at the 2006 Moscow Policeman’s Day.
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