
Prislop, Borsai Pass, crossing from Maramureș to Bukovina

Who can name them?

4 comentarios:

walter dijo...

My guesses:

Ranunculus, Buttercup or Celandine
Anemone (nemorosa), Wood Anemone
Primula (veris), Cowslip
Equisetum, Horsetail
Taraxum (officinale), Dandelion
Campanula (?) or Hyacinthoides (Bluebell)(?)
Veronica (Speedwell)

MOCKBA dijo...

In what language / in how many languages :)? Ветреница, калужница, одуванчик, хвощи, вероника первоцвет... It's pretty sweet to roll the names on one's tongue, and sometimes I can't resist giving folksy Russian names to expat flowers too, for a better emotional connection with the plants.

Studiolum dijo...

Thanks for the solutions! And yes, I wanted to say, that in as many languages as you know (local/folk versions included). The Ranunculus was identified by Róbert Zsófi in the Facebook as Caltha palustris, and the blue Veronica as Veronica chamaedrys. But what is the fluffy white plant on the beginning picture?

MOCKBA dijo...

No, those composites are a stronger challenge! But I have a suspiciously similar picture myself ;)