In the land of the two-tailed lion

loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew loew

Kdykoliv zadívám se na Prahu
– a dívám se na ni stále
           a vždycky bez dechu,
protože ji miluji –,
obrátím mysl k Bohu,
ať se mi schovává už kdekoliv,
za hvězdnou mlhovinou
či jen za starým paravánem
           prožraným od molů,
abych mu poděkoval,
že propůjčil tu velkolepou scénu
i mému životu.
Mně i mým radostem
           a bezstarostným láskám,
mně i mým slzám bez pláče,
když lásky odcházely.

Jaroslav Seifert: Královský letohrádek
Whenever I gaze out on Prague
– and I do so constantly
           and always with bated breath
because I love her –
I turn my mind to God
wherever he may hide from me,
beyond the starry mists
or just behind
           that moth-eaten old screen,
to thank him for granting me
this magnificent setting
to live in.
To me and my joys
           and carefree loves,
to me and to my tears without weeping
when the loves departed.

Jaroslav Seifert: Royal pavilion

Río Wang’s posts on Prague (click to enlarge)

Río Wang’s posts on Bohemia (click to enlarge)

Bohemian history
The Marian Column and the Prague Meridian, 1618-1918
František Krátký’s (1851-1924) color slides on Tsar Nicholas II’s coronation in 1896
Hundred years of school beginning in Bohemia
The annexion of Podkarpatská Rus, 1919
The Moravians of Hultschin, who said no to Czechoslovakia
The Moravian Hawelka brothers and their cafés in Krakow and Vienna
Photo exhibition of Josef Baťka, the globetrotter priest (1901-1979)
The Stalin statue in Prague (1952-1962)

Bohemian photo
Antonio Muñoz Molina on Josef Sudek
Bernard Plossu on Josef Sudek
Jiří and Ivan Doležal’s central Bohemian trains
Vlad Artazov’s nail art
Farewell to Jasiňa

Bohemian literature
Two poems by Miroslav Holub
Hrabal’s house on the Dam of Eternity
Libeň, visit on Hrabal’s 100th birthday
Ajvaz: The other city
Ajvaz and the sensitive elephant
Ajvaz and the heavy bear cub
The Bohemian sea in the dreams of Radek Malý and Pavel Čech

Hundred years of school beginning in Bohemia
Photo exhibition of Josef Baťka, the globetrotter priest (1901-1979)
A night walk in the Prague Castle
The Marian Column in Old Town Square, 1618-1918
The Marian Column standing again, 2020
The Bruska garrison, 1683-1922
Century-old advertisement in the St. Castalius neighborhood
The old Smíchov and the former Angel restaurant
Colonialware ghost signs in Újezd
The last trolleybus in Prague, 1972
Hrabal’s house on the Dam of Eternity
Libeň, visit on Hrabal’s 100th birthday
Prague quiz
The Charles Bridge in winter
A walk under Vyšehrad
Urban birds in Prague
Bird sounds in Prague
A five hundred-year old skate roller
Reconstruction of the Jewish quarter in Prague
Jacob Bassevi, the Jew of three emperors
Handel Bassevi’s tomb in the Jewish cemetery
Evening falls in Holešovice

The dragon of Brno
Leo Rosten’s The Joys of Yiddish in the bookshop of Brno
The Švejk restaurant in Brno
The Olmütz/Olomouc tram in 1918
The castle of Nikolsburg on the seashore
The Jewish cemetery in Třebíč/Trebitsch
The annexion of Hultschin
The Battle of Blosdorf

Northern Bohemia
Cancerous land. Coal mines in the Sudetenland (es)
Crossing the border at the Prebischtor
Austrian imperial coat of arms in Dečín

  Southern Bohemia
In the Land of the Rose, minute by minute
České Budějovice, the first Bohemian trolleybus, 1909
The church of Boletice/Polletitz, and the deportation of the Germans from Southern Bohemia
The Gothic church and German cemetery of Zátoň/Ottau
The hills of Bohdalovice/Podesdorf along the Vltava
Český Krumlov’s map of monuments
Český Krumlov: the first overview
Český Krumlov’s pub map
Český Krumlov, medieval holy image column and modern village radio
Andachtsbilder from Krumau

The Bohemian sea
The Bohemian sea in the dreams of Radek Malý and Pavel Čech
The Moravian sea, 1725

The Bohemian overseas: Podkarpatská Rus
Ivan Olbracht’s Hasidic tales from Podkarpatská Rus
The symbol of Podarpatská Rus, the wooden church of Jasiňa
The Hutsul Republic and the annexion of Podkarpatská Rus
Late Czechoslovak nostalgia for Podkarpatská Rus
Farewell to Jasiňa

Traveling in Bohemia
Come with us to Southern Bohemia!

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