What is not trivial, instead, is to spread out clothes in Island. There, in early August we could only catch these few images.
What would this song be like if it were written by an Icelandic singer instead of the Catalan Feliu Formosa?
Hèctor Vila: «Cançó de la roba estesa» (Song of the spread-out clothes). From the CD Port d’amour.
La roba estesa
de la gent pobra, als patis foscos i als descampats coneix l’angoixa dels dies grisos, sap l’enyorança del temps gastat. Roba cosida en nits de vetlla, roba comprada als encants vells, roba tenyida de color negre, roba arreglada d’algun parent. Roba donada per la gent rica, roba pispada d’algun terrat, roba perduda i retrobada, roba heretada dels avantnats. |
hanging clothes of poor people in dark patios in empty lots they know the anguish of the gray days the longing for the time lost clothes sewn in sleepless nights clothes purchased in the flea market clothes of color black spread out clothes seized by a relative clothes ceded by rich people clothes swipe off from some terrace clothes lost and found again clothes inherited from the ancestors |
Roba enterrada i ressuscitada, roba menjada pels detergents, roba sargida i apedaçada, roba bufada per tots els vents. Roba bandera de causa inútil, roba cansada de treballar, roba que plora sobre els qui passen, roba que crida pels seus forats. Als patis foscos dels barris pobres la roba estesa va degotant, coneix l’angoixa dels dies grisos, sap l’enyorança del temps gastat. |
clothes buried and resuscited clothes eaten up by detergents clothes patched mended and sewn clothes fanned in all the winds clothes, flags of useless causes clothes, tired of working any more clothes weeping on the passers-by clothes screaming through their holes in the dark patios of poor neighborhoods the hanging clothes are dripping they know the anguish of the gray days the longing for the time lost |
1 comentario:
Have you found out some Halldor Laxness characters' fingerprints, among those spreadout clothes?
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