In these days we had to cut down our beautiful Chinese bamboo plantation, because in fifteen years it grew so strong that it was irresistibly spreading to our neighbors. We decided to do one good thing out of two bad ones. We announce a collection of donations for our friends in Sic/Szék, and to those contributing with at least ten or fifteen euros we will give a beautiful rod of Chinese bamboo. We hand them over personally on Saturday between eleven and twelve o’clock in the car park
We also wait for the help of those who cannot come. They can send their contribution by ordinary mail, in an envelope at the address of Studiolum: Studiolum, 1631 Budapest, Pf. 119, Hungary (or else we send an IBAN for bank transfer/a PayPal address on request). They will receive, instead of a real bamboo, a scanned version of the great classic 三希堂画宝竹谱, the traditional Chinese manual for bamboo painting, with hundreds of printable full-page bamboo drawings. Stick a beautiful stamp on the envelope, as we will prepare a memorial collage of them.
Please spread this announcement among your friends as well.
Thank you very much for your help.
2 comentarios:
Some words from the mail of Effe in reply to my thanks for his generosity:
…Il valore della solidarietà ricevuta lo conosciamo bene. L'Italia è terra instabile per terremoti e inondazioni. Abbiamo una storia che ci insegna ad ascoltare le richieste di aiuto, perché molte ne abbiamo fatte anche noi. Singolarmente, si può fare ben poco. Ma spero che in molti rispondano al tuo giusto appello; ogni risposta sarà un giorno di futuro in più per la gente di Szék.
…We know well the value of solidarity. Italy is a land made unstable by earthquakes and floods. We have a history that teaches us to listen to others’ requests of help, because we have made a lot of such requests as well. Individually one cannot do much. But I hope that many will reply to your right appeal; and every reply will be one more day of future for the people of Szék.
Around the end of next week we will give account of the support received, and we also plan to publish the names of supporters (without the indication of the individual amounts). So please indicate if you DO NOT want to have your name published.
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