However, political parties try to amplify such domestic disputes. Catalan presents a number of dialects, as it is natural in any language, especially in one which had lost its legitimacy for centuries within the Spanish state and its cultural authority in its own territory. Furthermore, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia constitute three politically autonomous entities, which independently decide on their linguistic and educational model, and Catalan is also spoken outside the areas under the authority of Catalonia, or even Spain, such as in Franja de Ponent (the Aragonian border region), Andorra, Alguer in Sardinia, Rossellón in the French Eastern Pyrenees, and so on. The most centrist Spanish parties, which try to suppress the use of Catalan, therefore intentionally stress the differences between its dialects, usually backed by small groups with a – let us say it openly – quite low cultural level. In the Balearic Islands, their main maneuver is to give the impression of linguistic fragmentation concerning the versions of Catalan spoken in the islands. Listen to the following – Spanish-language – electoral address presented by the current President of the Balearic Government, José Ramón Bauzá during his election campaign in this June:
“We will remove any language norms which prevent the balanced and normal use of language! We will suppress every rules of language standardization! We will abolish the textbooks in Catalan! They must be published in the future according to our own use of language, in Mallorcan, Menorcan, Ibizan and Formenteran!…”
It is as if to say: we end up with any principle of order in the Catalan language, there are no common rules, no minimum standards of a common grammar and spelling: we reduce the language to the casual, familiar use which is enough to talk to our old grandparents, because, if it depends on us, our children will no longer speak it, and of course will not need it for anything. They will read the Catalan literature in translations… If Raimundus Lullus, Ausiàs March, Carles Riba or among the contemporary classics mossèn Llorenç Riber or Francesc de Borja Moll heard this, they would jump out of their graves!
On hearing such a colossal blunder, we have to ask ourselves, why Bauzá stopped at “Formenteran” (what the hell would that be?). Why had he no courage to go further and request textbooks in the dialects of Pollença, Sóller, Felanitx and other villages of Mallorca, for ber ween these there are just as respectable differences?
In order to put the thing a little bit on its place, and also present a more serious opinion to our readers – as the subject, indeed, is of concern –, we asked the written opinion of the Professor of the Balearic University Joan Melià, who held for many years the office of the Director of Language Policy of the Balearic Government, before the government recently formed by the above heard gentleman successfully abolished it just in these months. We received the following answer (we include the original Catalan text in the Spanish version of our post, giving here only an English translation):
The purpose of the present language model in the schools of the Balearic Islands is that students by the end of compulsory education are able to express themselves in both official languages (in Catalan as their own language and in Spanish as the language of the state). The educational experience of recent years shows that the most appropriate way of achieving this objective is if Catalan has a clearly superior presence to Spanish in the school system. If not, then the students not knowing Catalan from home, will end up with a very deficient knowledge of it, and will be unable to communicate fluently. The present sociolinguistic situation (that is, both the almost exclusive use of Spanish in many areas of life, and the inertia of behavior in interpersonal uses) explains that using both language at an equal time, or favoring Spanish would result in very inadequate skills of Catalan with many students. In other words, the school in the practice does not guarantee the effective bilingual skills of students. Apart from the personal disadvantages that may come of this in certain areas, in the context of linguistic minorization the increasing presence of people monolingual in the expansive language will increasingly contribute to the difficulties of the overall (active and passive) use of the minority language.
The minority status of a language is also deepened by the diffusion of the social representation of its linguistic fragmentation. The aim of this is to make perceive the number of the language users, both within the respective community and outside of it, less than in the reality, especially nowadays, when the demographic size of linguistic communities especially influences the extent of its actual utility in all its functions. The territory where Catalan is spoken is politically fragmented by four state borders and within the Spanish state by five further regional borders. Although Catalan is one of the most uniform Romance languages, this division is exploited to a great extent to represent administrative borders as linguistic borders. In the case of the Balearic Islands, from the beginning of the 20th century in such historical situations when the official and public use of Catalan was achieved, certain sectors of political power started to stress the image of linguistic fragmentation, either in the form of political separation, or of the refusal of an uniform name of the language, or in an overstressed particularism. The aim is to hamper the increase of the use of Catalan. In this sense, if they manage to achieve that the users of the language do not accept its unity, its realistic linguistic dimensions and its common, standard language version, and to regard only the dialectal versions as their own, it would prevent its use as a common language suitable for all uses. For example, if they claimed that students should use textbooks published in the linguistic varieties of the individual islands, it would in practice prevent the existence of books in Catalan. However, the fact that the Balearic Islands is constituted by four inhabited islands, each with a strong sense of identity, makes it difficult to oppose a common Balearic reality to the dominant language, and reinforces such delusional and unrealistic ideas as the above which intends to publish textbooks in the four main insular language varieties.
We should add, that – as it often happens with ideas born in the election fever – once he won the elections, José Ramón Bauzá has loosened up his cravings for the destruction of Catalan in the Balearic Islands. We know that in his own team of government there are people who advised him to think about it a little better. We’ll see what the next step will be when, according to all polls, the Popular Party will win the upcoming national elections on 20 November, and will accelerate the already powerful centralizing efforts of the Spanish state.
6 comentarios:
But the classic literature already needs a varying degree of translation for the grade school students... and with a proper government subsidies and policies, a region could create tons of contemporary local literature in a very short time. Like in Iceland, pop. 270,000, which has the highest poetry output per capita by a large margin.
Why? Probably because the govt effectively blocks employment of youth under 21, while at the same time subsidizing poets. To every kid with a garage rock band, the path is clear.
I'm more concerned when the nativists aggressively rewrite the toponyms, because it then affects the rest of us. Sometimes it is subtle but still disruptive in the GPS age, like Hawaiian project to restore the proper diacritical marks in all the place names (the letters don't change but...)
Recently I've been burned by a Catalan toponymic zeal too, to the tune of 10 euros. A cabbie's GPS wouldn't find the street we were going to, because it was no longer "Virgen" but "Mare de Deu" :)
Quite frankly,the cabbie's GPS is clearly to blame and not the fact that a toponym is writen in the form used by local people for generations. By the way, most topnyms were "rewriten", as you say, more than twenty years ago...
That fine has been widely circulated (it is a favourite of my nationalist friends) and you do the right thing by mentioning that it happened during the Spanish Civil War. I think one more element of context if missing: in July 1937 San Sebastian and the rest of Guipuscoa were in Franco's hands whereas the whole of Catalonia was in the Republican zone.
In my opinion it may be a lot more about the Civil War and control of communications than about Catalan language policies. Unfortunately the fine does not refer to any law of decree, which could clarify it.
Well, my multiple experience is that you cannot trust in GPS only. In several Central Italian towns, for example, GPS gets mad and loses the way. To Urbino you simply cannot enter by following the GPS’s guidances, only go round and round. When I told it to the first policewoman I met, she answered yes, we know it and have informed the GPS company several times, but with no result…
Or from the village where I live, a road leads to the nearby industrial zone. Daily a number of heavy trucks, led by GPS, are trapped on the main square of our village, because the road in fact is a dirt road, passable only by bicycle. For years GPS has not been able to change this detail…
alfanje: yes, I did not add that element because I thought the date made it clear for any reader. I’m also convinced it was because of this political situation; I doubt he would have been fined by speaking in Basque on the phone.
The recent neutrino velocity paper seized on by the press for travel faster-than-light (Einstein wrong, time machines etc), is interesting for the use of GPS to measure the distance between the neutrino source at CERN (Geneva) and the detector, deep underground at Gran Sasso. The distance of 730 km was measured to a precision of 20 cm. (The measurement also revealed continental drift - less than 1 cm/year - and a sudden displacement of 7 cm from a local earthquake).
So, all things considered, I don't think the navigation of your heavy trucks should be blamed on GPS.
Of course, you might have a huge gravitational anomaly near your home, making the relativistic corrections applied to GPS timing inaccurate. :)
In London, would-be taxi drivers still have to acquire "the knowledge". GPS is far too modern!
Well, I mean their GPS is obviously correct, for they all manage to arrive here.
What is wrong instead, is the map in their GPS, which indicates the way from here to the industrial zone as passable, instead of a dirt way which it is in the reality. The same refers, mutatis mutandis, to the maps of Urbino and Barcelona, too.
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