We’ll give you a receipt, on which you will receive the money later. Requisition Give us all what we need as soon as possible. You don’t have to be afraid, we are Hungarian soldiers, nobody will harm you. We will pay for all what you give us. We know that in the village there is a large supply of food. You must bake bread still today. Bring us food, carts, horses and cows pig, bacon, cheese wheat, oats, corn barley, potatoes, milk eggs, meat rye wine, beer, vodka bread, tobacco peas, bean, rice How many workers can you get in the village? Collect 50 workers. They shall take tools with themselves axes, picks, shovels scythes, rakes | Мы дадим тебе расписку, по которой вы после получите деньги. Реквизиция Дайте нам как можно скорее чего мы потребуем. Вам ничего нас бояться, мы венгерские солдаты, никто вас не тронет. За все, что вы нам дадите, мы вас вознаградим. Мы знаем, что в деревне большой запас продовольствия. Надо ещё сегодня печь хлеб. Доставьте нам продовольствие, подводы, лошадей, коров. свини, сало, сыр пшеницу, овес, кукурузу ячмен, картофель, молоко яйцо, мясо рожь вино, пиво, водки хлеба, табаку гороха, бобы, рису Сколько рабочих можете собрать в деревне? Собери пятьдесят рабочих. Пусть возьмут с собою инструменты топоры, кирки, лопаты косы, грабли |
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3 comentarios:
I can understand why they didn't do it that way, but in order to be maximally useful a phrasebook of that kind would have a section including things like "Don't shoot! We surrender!" and "All Hail the liberating Red Army!" and perhaps "The Hungarian forces went in that direction!"
Obviously this was not easy to include in a phrasebook accompanying a presumably (and for a while virtually) successful offensive. But never mind, the helpful enemy did publish and distribute among the invaders the missing sections of the dictionary.
Todas sus imagenes son hermosas,diferentes a todo lo que se ve normalmente en la Web. Le agradezco mucho por compartir este bello testimonio de la historia.
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